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Discover Easy Goal Setting That Really Works

Goal Setting That Works!!!

Discover this simple exercise to help you set meaningful goals for your life through your wellness.

Means & Ends Goals:

Ends Goals are defined as an outcome that describes exactly what you want.

Means Goals are the plan and path or "things" to help you achieve your Ends Goals.

A common mistake people make when setting goals is to confuse means goals for end goals. When they mistakenly do this, happiness is not achieved because it isn't what they really want. Then, as a result, they go back to old patterns. 

Here is an example.

Eve wants to lose 30 pounds.  Is this a means goal or an end goal? She thinks it's an end goal, but is it really?

Why does Eve want to lose 30 pounds?

Her doctor told her that the extra weight has made her pre-diabetic.  If she doesn't lose it, she could develop type 2 diabetes.

If she develops type 2 diabetes, she will never be able to take that wine tasting tour of Napa Valley that she's dreamed of for years. The...

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Do You Stress Eat?


If so, the holiday  season is ripe with opportunities to "feed" (pun intended) your struggle with emotional eating. Come to the chair twice a day, it’ll help.

It doesn't seem right, but the holiday season's joy usually brings with it some degree of stress. For many women challenged with emotional eating, this is the month when they also struggle with managing their weight.

How are you going to handle your diet and wellness with the stress of the holiday season? 2020 has been a very "different" year that has brought a significant amount of added pressure to everyone's lives.

So, why not try a different strategy to manage holiday stress and stress-induced eating? Instead of attempting to change or control your environment's triggers, come back to you. Ground yourself. You can't control the abundance of Christmas cookies, bread dips, and saucy foods that will be around you. But, you can make a choice to help yourself.

Set aside some time today to ground...

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What The Heck Is Happening To My Body?

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Discover Easy Ways To Live In Harmony With Your Hormones
You do not have to feel defeated by all of this. The good news is that there is a solution.