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9 Steps To A More Positive Mindset

Are you a glass-half-empty or half-full kind of person? 

Both types of mindset can impact your physical and mental health. A positive mind is powerful, and with the right attitude, you can achieve a lot in your life. 

Live life from the inside out, not the other way around. That means you can control what happens to you by maintaining the right mind. Of course, it doesn't mean everything will always go how you want it, but you can confront it more easily by being positive.

Now that you know what developing a positive mindset can do, let's look at some daily steps to help you pursue a happy mind.

Step 1: Surround Yourself With Positive People

Being positive or negative is very contagious. 

A positive person can light up a whole room and fill it with energy and good vibes. Surrounding yourself with positive people can improve your self-esteem and increase your chances of reaching your goals.

Being around positivity will lift you and help you see the bright side of...

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How to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs Around Food

When we are children, we are constantly hearing our parents saying that we're not eating enough, and in some cases, it's that we're eating too much.

What starts to happen is that when you're a child between the age of zero and six or seven, you don't have any perspective. Psychologically, you are not able to put things into question, especially if it comes from an adult that is important in your life.

So, when your parents tell you...

  • You aren't eating enough
  • Eat for me
  • Do it because I spent so much time doing this for you
  • Normally you like that, why aren't you eating it?

...then you think you're not a good person for not eating it or for not finishing your plate, or maybe even for not thinking about the little children in Africa that are hungry.

What happens overtime, is that physically you start not trusting your body and your natural sense of satiety, which is extremely important because we all have that naturally within ourselves. We all know when we're full, we all...

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How to Crush Cravings and Feel Happier

You know that feeling, an intense urge to eat a sugary, salty, or fatty type of food. Just thinking about it makes you feel excited.

There are no hunger pangs, rumbly tummy, or fatigue, which are the natural hunger signs. Only an urge to fulfill a desire. These desires are called cravings, and they can pop up at any minute.

What Are Cravings?

Food cravings are a strong desire to eat sugary, salty, or fatty types of food, which often seem uncontrollable, leaving you unsatisfied until you get what you want. 

Over 90% of the world's population experiences food cravings, and we all experience them differently.

Studies have shown that men and women crave different kinds of food.

Men are more likely to crave savory foods like meat, fish, and eggs. If men do crave sweets, they typically go for sugar-sweetened beverages. 

However, women crave mostly sweet foods like chocolate, cakes, and ice cream. The same studies have shown that women more frequently report experiencing cravings...

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February Superstar- Heather Oiler

Meet Heather

Heather came to Sphericality in April 2019, when she won a free membership at a tricky tray auction at her daughter's school. She was not always one to exercise; after having her three kids, she needed to regain herself and her health. She was also working on losing weight on her own and was looking for a place to exercise!

Now, she loves working out in an environment like a studio as opposed to a crowded gym. She likes that we are genuinely a judgment-free zone with the added support of the instructors and members. For her, it's more than working out: it's the variety of classes, programs like Food Camp, and the access to virtual classes (to name a few).

Heather knows that exercise is a good thing for her to do, physically, mentally, and emotionally. It's something she does for her; it puts her in the right mindset for the day, feeling great after class.

Before coming to Sphericality, Heather had multiple different gym memberships over 14 years. She would start...

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December Superstar- Lauren Kirschner

Metabolic health and wellness, in general, involve many moving pieces; everything has to be working together. As we discussed in our main article, it takes all six lifestyle essentials to manage your metabolic health. Our Super Star, Lauren, implements all lifestyle essentials into her routines. Sometimes it comes naturally to her, while other times, she has to work a little harder on it. Learn how Lauren uses balanced nutrition, optimized exercise, stress/sleep management, mindset/vision, education, and community as she 'pro-ages' and manages her metabolic health.

Meet Lauren

Lauren joined Sphericality and then The Limitless Lifestyle Academy because she wanted to hear herself the best chance to find herself in a healthy place as she approached her 50's. It was essential to her to have the energy and strength to keep up with her teenage kids and be fit for herself as she got older.

"It's hard to pinpoint one favorite part of the programs because it's all so great. The instructors...

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We're Grateful for Gratitude!

Tis' the season to be grateful. Have you ever sat around the Thanksgiving Dinner table as everyone took turns saying what they're thankful for? As we rush around this holiday season, it's important to remember to practice gratitude throughout the season, not just one evening. Gratitude is the state of being grateful and involves expressing appreciation and thanks for the things you have in your life. You can be thankful for anything, like a beautiful day or a delicious cup of coffee. The gratitude can also be for something less tangible, like being grateful for your health or the strength of a relationship. Why is it important to practice gratitude and how to get started?

Why We're Grateful for Gratitude

There are quite a few physical and mental health benefits associated with practicing gratitude. In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. They adhere to the idea that gratitude is a positive emotion that has a...

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What Could You Do with 5 Minutes!?


At The Limitless Lifestyle Academy, we are big proponents of self-care and taking the time for yourself before taking time and taking care of other people. Many of our women are mothers, grandmothers, wives, and many also have high-demand jobs.

Over and over again, we hear and see women taking a back seat to everything else going on in their lives. We believe in women coming first for themselves and their families, and that's not selfish. We encourage engaging in self-care because we know it's a great way to take care of your body, mind, and soul. It is essential that you stay happy and healthy for everyone around you.

Self-care is simple. All it requires is participating in activities that promote well-being and reduce stress.


Take 5 Minutes

Thinking about taking care of yourself can be overwhelming with a busy life and many demands, but that's no reason to avoid it. We have a solution for you! In our Four Seasons program, we use Precision Nutrition. This program...

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November Superstar- Patty Burke

Meet Patty

Patty joined Sphericality and The Limitless Lifestyle Academy for our inaugural virtual retreat in January 2021. A very good friend invited her, they wanted to see what it was all about.

They knew the retreat was geared towards women over 40, a unique period in women's lives. Since 40, Patty and her friend had been struggling with their weight. The things they had done when they were younger weren't working anymore.

They decided they would jump in a give it a try. After the retreat, they immediately joined The New Way to Wellness Six-week Experience, and the program hooked them. Now Patty is a member of our Four Seasons program and continues to change her health and wellness.

Big Changes

While Patty has made some significant changes, she's had two big ones related to mindset since joining our community. One, she no longer fixates on her weight. She knows weight is just a number and her body composition is more important for long-term health. She looks at her wellness...

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Make SMART Goals - Create Success!

What are SMART Goals?

Goal creating is a significant aspect of our 4 Seasons Program and our private one-on-one coaching. We always make sure goals are SMART, and we work with our clients to make sure it fits with the five elements.

SMART goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and Timely. Goals are created using specific criteria that ensure your objectives are attainable within a certain time frame. Writing a SMART goal entails working through each of those five components to build a measurable goal that encompasses precisely what needs to be accomplished and when and how you'll know when you're successful.

This approach eliminates generalities and guesswork, sets a clear timeline, and makes it that much easier to track progress and identify missed milestones.

Creating SMART Goals

To help understand how to create a SMART goal, we will use a typical example to discuss the five elements of the SMART goal. A common challenge we hear from our clients is getting...

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October Superstar- Lynn Mears

How It Started

Lynn came to Sphericality three years ago after putting her mother in a nursing home. She was worn out from caring for her and needed a change in her life. A close friend of Lynn's invited her to meet Dorian, and she made the commitment to herself and to the program in that first meeting with Dorian. When I asked Lynn what her favorite part of the program was, she said she didn't have one. She said,

"Everything works together, and I think that is what impresses me the most about Spherically. Real-life change happens when I work on all the different aspects of life. Eating right and exercise are just a small part of healthy living. Mindset, purpose, and vision need to be aligned as well as stress and sleep, to make change lasting."

Lynn's Mission

In The Four Seasons program, we are constantly working on mission statements and keeping them at the forefront of what we do. These play a huge role in mindset, purpose, and vision. These statements also help create goals...

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